Our bin cleaning system effectively reduces health hazards from harmful pathogens such as Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, E-coli, Salmonella, Listeria, and even the common cold virus. With our service, you can rest assured your trash bins will be clean, disinfected, sanitized, and deodorized.
Apex Bin Cleaning services your neighborhood at least once a month. Upon signing up your service cycle could begin as early as this week. If your neighborhood won't be serviced for another couple of weeks, we will contact you to arrange the best time to get started.
The basics, name, address, and phone number. After that we simply need the information that will allow us to best serve you, such as: What is your usual trash pick up day. Are you in a gated community? Do you have any special needs? Vicious attack dog? Let us know!
We recommend cleaning your cans on a monthly basis. Some clients, however, prefer to have their bins serviced every two weeks. Contact us or visit our sign-up page for all available service schedules and pricing.
You might like to DIY, but let us take care of this messy chore for you! To keep your home safe from unwanted germs and pests, we’ve got the equipment to reach up to 200 degrees to sterilize your bins and a deodorizer to rid of any unwanted smells. Using a hose and broom is not sufficient to effectively do this.
We dispose of the dirty water through the sewage system which is processed through the waste treatment facility. Always adhering to City and Parish codes.
Both our deodorizer and sanitizer solutions are environmentally friendly. We use high pressure, and lowest gallons per minute of water possible, resulting in small amounts of waste water per can captured in our self-contained hopper. All the waste water is disposed of in proper facilities so that the water never reaches our rivers or Lake Pontchartrain.
If your new location is within our current service area then, great, we can move with you! If not, then unfortunately we will have to go our separate ways.
As a random act of kindness, we clean trash cans in a new service area free of charge. If you wish to continue with our service simply sign-up online or give us a call at 504-233-8380. You will not be charged for this first complementary trash bin cleaning. If you do not wish to have our service please accept the free clean on us, and remember the next time, your trash can needs cleaning just give Apex Bins a call.
No. You can sign up one or as many as you would like; all pricing is per container. Once you see the results, we’re confident that you’ll want to have us clean all your trash bins.